#so yea. but im gonna change that 馃樇
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swagstar 2 years ago
yesterday i was thinking about a tldr to the prisma info megapost i have in my drafts and i don't remember much but the last sentence was "and 10 years later im going insane about her - wiki empty, nothing archived. what's there not to love."
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lousirs 1 year ago
ewew ok so I think it's safe to assume that the toy brand of pretty dolls probably gained success in the 60s or 70s given some of the little details in Lou's house and his style. The factories work all year round right and are automatic as seen in the movie, but most things required actual human workers back in the day. HERE'S THE STINGER. I read somewhere I forgot where, but back in the day workers in factories didn't work in the winter time because it was too cold. so basically if we applied this to the uglydolls world, there was a rather long period of time where there was no income of dolls in perfection for the ENTIRETY of winter. So Lou had absolutely no company whatsoever in the winter for like 40+ years give or take (I have no idea when automated factories became a thing)
ok now I'm just making things worse but I also had another headcannon where weather in the real world also applied in uglyville and perfection and like the dolls in perfection got winter uniforms and all that (ugh now I might rant about this). So yea it was snowing, no other dolls in perfection, kind of depressing given that probably by then Lou had cut off ties with Ox. YOU CANT MENTION THE BOTS IN PERFECTION BC NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE YET (lol that means Lou was COMPLETELY incharge of everything, maybe he had assistance in doll form?)
yea but this probably played a role in the downfall of Lou's mental wealth like man just lost his best man Ox so being alone for a whole month once a year was definitely not a silly goofy moment for him.
ok that's the end of my ramble 馃樇馃樇
NO NEED TO APOLOGISE FOR RETURNING! i love me some headcanons :D
that's a big ouch for lou, but you are probably right there. lou (and also mandy) have 50s/60s- style houses (i believe so anyway) so how long would that be if we say lou's breakdown was about 2020 so (the movie is 2019 but im rounding it to 2020 for my brain)... OUCH AROUND 70 YEARS. SAVE LOU OH MY DOLL--
love your headcanons though, and i have a few of my own for that:
(under the cut, cause i can already tell this is gonna be a long one vvv)
perhaps since the factory closes for winter, the batch made right before stay in the institute for winter? yeah yeah lou could probably send them to the big world when the factory closes, but knowing him, he'd probably keep them for the holidays at the very least. cause he craves for that company.
it would be so cute though! lou would hold a big winter party with singing and FIREWORKS and whatnot. side note, i headcanon that lou loves fireworks. i mean, he uses them all the time (during ugly truth... during his lessons... etc) and i can so see him going all out on the fireworks budget. anyway, i feel that such parties would bring temporary joy to him, as he finally feels part of a family, with every doll laughing and chatting and overall having a good time.
...and then they would leave him again. and again. and again. and again... i feel like after a while he'd give up on the festives, as temporary joy and love isn't fulfilling anymore.
with the weather, i have a really dumb theory that the institute is within a dome. think about it, uglyville has a yawn ball for a sun with messy clouds...
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and in the institute, the clouds are perfect (more realistic even) and there's no sun in sight (as far as i know)
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uglyville probably has all kinds of weather, whilst at the institute it is always a fair temperature. no rain, clouds are always light and airy... etc, due to the factory operating the weather system within the dome perhaps. that changes when the uglydolls infiltrate, the sky in the institute turns to a dark greeny colour. and then when the two sides join, they destroy the dome.
anyways, perhaps during the winter, when the factory is shut down, they shut down the light and airy atmosphere of the institute too, leaving a cold, snowy breeze in its wake (especially during lou's earlier years). and i doubt his home is very warm either, as it's so large with barely any furniture (at least in the foyer shown in uglier truth).
and with lou's company over the years, i feel that after his bond with ox, he became desperate for the company again (who could blame him?) and tried his hardest to keep as many dolls by his side as possible, ending up with the spy girls and mandy (and perhaps the backup singers)(i don't know about them). he would probably manipulate them in some way to staying, perhaps threatening recycling and the washing machine out of pure desperation to keep someone around. so i don't think he'd be totally alone, but i feel that the spy girls and mandy were only close to him in a business relationship-type way. they were only there if he needed something to be done. he was the leader of the institute after all, he always seemed one level above the rest of the dolls, and being personally close to him seemed like something impossible.
and yeah, the assistance bots were there, but even if artificial intelligence somehow existed during those times, or if someone higher-up was controlling the robots, they wouldn't have a genuine bond with lou anyways, as they are just assistant robots who are meant for helping out with training and the gauntlet only (or so i think).
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jrueships 3 years ago
OK so there's a vid on YouTube of one of gup n greens ig lives so imma watch it then take down note quotes of the things they said, mainly 4 me cus it's a long af video n ion wanna have 2 watch it over n over just for some inspo so 馃. here we go p1 prolly. Included emojis bcs i need 2 remember the tones aswell. OH yea here's the video if yall wanna check it out
We at the start of the vid n shit already bumpin let's see
Green, smiling: -talk to me on live- just talk normal... it's not- (cute??)
Gup: *rolls eyes & moves camera away* talk to you? i talk to you like this 24/7-[ immediately changes topic ] HEY GUYS 馃槃!! UMM..馃樈 who wants to know where jalen green goin to school (college) 馃槇馃槇 <- is literally willing to leak greens college decision all bcs he's got called out?? i'm finna leave my liv-JALEN'S live & start mine. im boutta leak this information, HEYYY 馃お馃お (she's so craaazzy!! LOVE her 馃槤)
Green: 馃槅 haha ! I Could Do The Same For (to) You 馃槓.
Gup: hmmmm 馃槕
Green: hmmm <3
Gup destroys the mic here
Gup asks green why he doesn't put on a jersey and green says he never does. Gup goes SHEESH my BAD 馃檮
Then Green tries showing gup his lil chin pubes 'ay it's comin in crazy >:) ?' Gup, instead of complimenting greens babyhairs, proceeds to check out n show up his own chin hairs. Green laughs at it then disapproves the growth " it's not it bro 馃槓"
- 1:38 Green: we gotta lotta people in here
Gup: dude these are all YOUR people bro
Green: i had 2000 you brought a 1000
Gup: AYYYYY i brought a THOOOUSAAAND :D!! AYYYY (green laughs) (someone in chat mentions how green stay chewin on smthin, he chewin on a Gatorade cap ring thingy u see on milk cartons. He agrees. Then gup n green wonder who the chat givin heart eyes to)
- 2:21 Green gets trolled and gup shows off his legs to the camera?? He zooms in on the shoes he's wearing IN bed wtf? Oh hell nah but anyways they're the shoes jalen wanted to get
Green: 馃ぃ I hate you. I really do 馃槀馃槀 you know that ? thats why im BOUT to get em- eh- i don't. i don't really care 馃槖.
Gup, still flexing in the shoes jalen doesn't have: i WANT you to have em!!
Green: i WANT you to get them FOR me. i want you to just give me the ones off your Feet. How Bout That 馃槇?
Gup: well come TAKE them then ! how THAT sound 馃樇馃樇 ?
Green, laughing: you don't gotta say No more!! My- (Gup: come take em!) Visit to -("come take them!!!") my VISIT to LAs comin up!
Gup: come take them !!!!!!
Green: aight, WEAR EM, wear em when i come out there ! (Gup: easy call) easy call 馃え ?
Gup: i'll WALK WITTHEM in my HANDS.
Green: and then they'll gonna be GONE !
Gup: *blows his lips or smthing idk what the hell he just did here but the topic has been changed from whatever THAT was*
- 3:06 jalen does a weird little dance move??
Green: you like that ?-
Gup, immediately: nah. Nah idk what that was bro 馃槀
Green: 馃槶
Gup: don't- don't do that again 馃樄
Green, not laughing anymore: WHAT 馃え??
Gup: i SAID don't do it AGAIN what you Talkin about 馃樄 ?
Green: 馃槓.... 馃槧 bro im tired of you talkin crazy bro. bruh im not gonna lie to you.
Gup goes uhhuhh yeahhh suree in the middle of this threat ^
Green: you're gonna FIX that, you Understand Me ? (Gup talking over him) now LISTEN- now LISTEN
Gup: you know where i be !!!
Green: WHERE 馃え??? at HOME 馃え馃え??? inSIDE???
Gup: insidee !!
Green: yeah ._.
Gup: inSIDE !!
Green: ok so what's your point.
Gup: idk (this incites more talking over each other)
Gup: yeayeayea- just SHUT UP talkin rn 馃槖馃槖
Green: i think that's when you shut your mouth right (????)
Gup: wai- who you TALKIN to 馃槯
Gup: bro ill BEEF with you in PERSON too >:]
Green: you love i-you LOVE to just BEEF on instagram !! (gup to someone in chat: HEYYY MARIAAAHHH (lmao??))
Bro the amount of times Green has been interrupted here n its literally the start of the live 馃槶 anyways GREEN, reiterating: isn't that what you like to do
Green: nah cus we're onna phone-
Gup: -BRO CMON BRO WE FINNA FLIP THE SWITCH 馃槇馃槇 . it's BEEF that's what we doin now YESSIRRR it's BEEF now
Green: bro, literally i Hate you 馃槀馃槀
they then try solving the mystery of who the chat is sending heart eyes to. Again. Then Green asks Gup to ask some clothes designer for some clothes for himself. Gup rolls his eyes and tells him to be independent.
- 5:05 gup bullies kyree (walker i assume that one guy that's been in highschool for like 10 years) and tells him to shut up lmao
Green, laughin n joinin in: kyree get out the liiive 馃ぃ馃ぃ
Gup: LEAVE kyree GET OUT !! Get out 馃樄馃樄
Green: why are you innn here
Gup: bro im just playin with you bro :( ... no im Dead serious i never wanna see you in my live Again.
They bully more ppl together. Kyree tells them he hates both of em. Green does his lil dance thing again & gup asks what it is. Some NLE Choppa move. He tells gup to check it out. Gup says he won't because that means he gotta check it out then. I get understand that logic on a lazy level
- 7:50 they start showing off their lotions here??? Idk why? Chat makes fun of them for having lotion by the bed? Green points out a girl's comment n Gup asks if it's a good comment or a bad one in which he'll have to violate lmao?? Green says it's good. Jalen regrets the lotion cameo.
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